Home Learning Guidance

Reasons for absence related to Covid-19

As a school, we have categorized the various lengths of absence from school into ‘phases.’ Each phase relates to a different period of time your child may not be able to attend lessons. In each instance, it is important that your child still completes work at home.

Support for pupils with additional needs

We recognise that some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities need lessons to be appropriately differentiated for them to access. Therefore, all subjects accompany activities with pre-recorded video lessons that pupils can watch and pause at their own pace. Resources that are differentiated according to the teaching group’s ability in line with lessons within school. In addition, where pupils would usually have intervention lessons with the teaching assistants, resources for these lessons is also uploaded onto Google Classroom. School staff also make weekly phone calls to all vulnerable pupils, including those with SEND, to check on their work and wellbeing. 


Limited or no access to Google Classroom

The school is continuing to contact parent/carers regarding internet access and access to technology.  If your child does not have access to the internet from home, or can only access Google from their phones, please contact the school via enquiry@bartleygreen.org.uk.  We will arrange for work to be printed for collection/delivery so that your child may complete the work on paper. Pupils may wish to take photos of the work they have completed on their phones and email this to their teachers. We only provide printed work for pupils without access to laptops or tablets. Where possible, we expect pupils to access Google Classroom lessons and resources as these offer the full learning experience.

The DfE has provided the school with a very limited number of devices to loan to pupils to assist  with access to technology.  Eligible parent/carers will continue to be contacted and arrangements made for collection/delivery of devices.  If you have any queries regarding access to technology, please continue to discuss this with members of staff at the school or email.

The DfE has also provided information on how to increase data allowances.

How your child should work from home

It is important that your child continues to work from home and complete the work set by his/her class teachers. Pupils should follow their school timetables and complete work for the subjects they would usually have each day.

If your child is needs any further guidance about the work, they should email their class teacher for more help. This can be done via Google Classroom.

If your child has completed all of the work set, please encourage them to email their teacher for more work. Their teacher may direct them to additional learning sites as referenced within this guidance.

If your child is feeling anxious about any of the work, please contact the school so that we may help.

Your child should try to submit the work they have done for the day onto Google Classroom so they teacher can see what work has been produced. Pupils should do this at the end of each lesson just as they would in school. For example, if you child has completed their Science work for the day, they should ensure they submit it via Google Classroom or email the work to their teacher on the same day.

Some explanations or lesson debriefs may be conducted live using Zoom. Please see below for the Live Explanation Code of Conduct that has been emailed to all pupils.

The Remote Curriculum

We teach the same curriculum as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in DT and Art it is not always possible to recreate lessons at home in the same way they would be taught in school due to the limited resources that may be available. Similarly, we cannot always ask pupils to interact with the same software that they use in school in Computing lessons. On some occasions, for example in Music, the use of Oak Academy lessons may be more effective than using pre-recorded lessons. Where Oak Academy lessons are used this is due to the quality and potential learning offered being greater than that given from the teacher’s own pre-recorded lesson.

Hours of study

We expect that remote education (including remote explanations and independent work) will take pupils broadly five hours to complete each day. Homework set by teachers is in addition to the five hours a day, therefore mirroring pupils’ working hours when they are in school. As a guide, pupils should give themselves a 20 minute break and 45 minute lunch, similarly mirroring the school day.

Work submission and feedback

As stated above, it is important your child submits the work they have completed. This should be done on a daily basis in accordance with your child’s timetabled subjects for that day. They can submit work via Google Classroom or in an attachment to their class teacher.

Your child’s teacher will upload whole class feedback via Google Classroom for the class to read. The teacher may wish to record feedback to the class via Screencastify so that your child can listen to the teacher’s comments. Feedback may include common strengths in the work produced by the class and shared areas for improvement. The teacher may also include particular elements the class needs to improve on in their future lessons uploaded onto Google Classroom. Where the class teacher mentions pupils’ names, only first names will be used. This mirrors the class environments where pupils may hear when a particular pupil has done well or needs to improve a certain area of their work. Feedback will be provided on Google Classroom once more than two lessons have been on Google Classroom. If a class or year group has been asked to work from home for less than a week, feedback will given in the pupils’ next lesson in school.

Teachers keep a record of the work submitted via Google Classroom. This information is also collated centrally and pupils who regularly fail to submit work will be contacted. In the first instance, teachers will email pupils who have not submitted the work. Following that, calls will be made once the data from each subject has been collated. We envisage this data analysis will take place weekly. By accepting the invitation to receive weekly updates, parents can also keep track of the work their child has completed by the deadline and any work that has not been submitted.


Useful websites

There are particular websites we use a school to aid pupils’ learning. Teachers may refer pupils to a particular website link within one of their Goggle classroom activities. Similarly, pupils may be directed by their class teacher to complete work from one the below websites when they have completed all the work set. Please note, this is not a definitive list but may be useful when helping your child to complete self-directed study.
